If you are planning to conduct market research in Indonesia, talk to us, and we will be part of your professional Field Research Division.
As its name, Research Department, is a teamwork which specifically address the Research Field Management. Over the years, we have built a reputation through the knowledge and experience we have in the market and social research industry.
Our service is always oriented to the customer at a competitive cost, and we combine experience with innovative solutions that can be integrated into your business applications.
We always strive to put our business to keep as the cutting edge in finding new things, so that our customers can maintain its superiority over its competitors.
For us, no job is too big or too small. We offer a wide range of market research purposes such as:
Consumer Behavior Research
Costumer Satisfacion Research
Customer Service Research
Product Testing
Price Testing
Product Segmentation
Distribution Channel Analysis
Corporate Image Research
Brand Research
Copy Testing
With over 20 years experience, we have handled a wide range of data gathering techniques such research;
Interviews (PAPI, CATI, CAWI, CAPI, IDI)
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Central Location Test (CLT)
Mystery Shopping
Mystery Calling
Data Cleansing / Verification, etc..
We will conduct a thorough evaluation of your business needs so as to produce the best solution for your company ranging from identification of need, then we will develop systems, tools, and resources we have to support your research project. The success of the provision of research data is valid, accurate, and quickly has always been our primary concern.
We understand that you have many options for handling your research projects. Large research institutions with services that are more "prestigious" and "sparkle" may also have been included in the list of your choice, which of course, with great cost budget.
But if you also want to make cost savings, why don't you do your own research projects with our help? We'll affiliates as part of your Research Division.
Press Ctrl + D on your keyboard, and save this page on your computer because you'll need it someday. If you have questions, please feel free to send us an email HERE.